The average golf swing speed at the moment of impact is around 90 – 100 mph. At this speed, the golf ball leaves the tee at the speed of 130 – 150 mph.
As a rule of thumb, the harder the ball, the further the distance it will travel. Low compression balls have higher spin and give better control. Consistent with this, the primary consideration for golf ball selection is, whether you want more distance or more control, not swing speed. Thence, you should match your swing speed with the golf ball that gives you optimal distance or control.
The information you need is available on the back of the golf ball box. It will usually tabulate swing speed with the corresponding ball factor, i.e. desired amount of spin, distance and control. You match your swing speed to the ball that performs best with your swing.
If you are purchasing premium golf balls, these give you the best combination of control, spin and distance. You therefore need not be overly concern about matching swing speed with the ball.
Updates By World Golfers Haven
As a rule of thumb, the harder the ball, the further the distance it will travel. Low compression balls have higher spin and give better control. Consistent with this, the primary consideration for golf ball selection is, whether you want more distance or more control, not swing speed. Thence, you should match your swing speed with the golf ball that gives you optimal distance or control.
The information you need is available on the back of the golf ball box. It will usually tabulate swing speed with the corresponding ball factor, i.e. desired amount of spin, distance and control. You match your swing speed to the ball that performs best with your swing.
If you are purchasing premium golf balls, these give you the best combination of control, spin and distance. You therefore need not be overly concern about matching swing speed with the ball.
Updates By World Golfers Haven